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PLATINODE® Cr3 - Pt/Nb-Anodes for Cr6-free Etching Systems

PLATINODE® Cr3 - Pt/Nb-Anodes for Cr6-free Etching Systems

Very corrosion resistant anodes thanks to a platinum-niobium combination

In Cr6 free etching systems, functional components are chemically reduced and must be re-oxidized in a separate electrolysis cell at an insoluble anode surface.

We also have the right anode for this electrochemical reconditioning. There is hardly a more corrosion-resistant combination than platinized niobium. Our HTE process enables us to produce anodes with this combination.

For years this anode has been successfully used in highly halogenated & corrosive electrolytes. Now it shows its strength also in the etching systems of the chrome(III) process! Also here we can support you with a short delivery time.

Our combination of MMO 187 LOC for chrome(III)process and our PLATINODE® NbPt for Cr6-free etching is already used by well-known companies.

Further information in our detailed product flyer: PLATINODE® Cr3


  • Extremely durable for a long lifetime
  • Low manganese dioxide formation
  • No sludge formation
  • Qualitatively constant and stable process
  • Possibility of replatinization
  • Simple handling
  • Consulting, planning and extended service on site


  • Cr3 pre-treatment


  • Produktblatt_PLATINODE_Cr3_PtNb-Anoden_EN.pdf

Your contact person

Christian Kurrle

Christian Kurrle

Sales Manager Electrocatalytic Electrodes
T: +49 7171 607 167
F: +49 7171 607 396

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