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Webinar on "Cost-Saving Jewellery Plating Solutions" now online

Metal Deposition Solutions

In these times of high market volatility, it is a constant challenge for jewellery manufacturers to deliver collections with spectacular metal finishes while remaining profitable. In 2020 and 2021, rhodium prices have skyrocketed to heights not previously thought possible. The difference with previous price rises: this time the prices of other platinum group metals have also risen to record levels - palladium prices, for example, are 4 to 5 times higher than 5 years ago.

Modern electroplating processes as an alternative to pure rhodium or palladium coatings

In this 50-minute JNA webinar, you will learn in a compact and comprehensible way what advantages our processes offer compared to conventional rhodium or palladium plating. The focus is not only on developing cost-efficient solutions, but also on achieving coating characteristics that are absolutely comparable to those of a pure rhodium coating.

Markus Legeler (Manager Sales International) and Benjamin Wieser (Sales Manager, Technical Services) will present in 15 minutes the possibilities for high-quality yet economical rhodium or palladium coating for decorative applications.

In the remaining time, our sales experts will answer in detail the questions of the webinar participants related to individual practice.

Further information