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The most efficient and eco-friendliest solution for hard chrome plating

Up to now, the standard in hard chrome plating has been lead anodes. They deliver sufficient, if not overly impressive, results and are comparatively cheap to procure.

However, the market’s requirements for anodes have changed, and decision makers in electroplating have adopted a more long-term approach: quality must be exceptional in a hotly contested mass market, while costs shouldn’t get out of hand over the years, and constantly increasing environmental regulations have to be fulfilled.

That’s why PLATINODE® (refractory metals such as titanium and niobium coated with pure platinum in molten salt) isn’t just an alternative to previously standard lead anodes, rather the most efficient solution. And not just in terms of quality and environmental aspects - but also economy. A significantly longer lifespan and the possibility of re-plating are just two reasons why lead anodes lose their last advantage of lower procurement costs after around three years. A personal, no-obligation comparison calculation will win you over.

Further information can be found in our product flyer PLATINODE® HC.


Quality Benefits

  • Best possible coating quality
  • Possible to create complex shapes
  • Durable and dimensionally stable

Cost Benefits

  • Long lifespan (procurement price pays off)
  • Cheap re-plating (can be re-used several times)
  • No production downtime due to maintenance
  • Energy saving (better conductivity)

Environmental Benefits

  • No toxic lead chromate sludge as a byproduct
  • Increased safety thanks to lighter weight


  • Shock absorbers
  • Compression rolls
  • Piston rings/rods
  • Hydraulic cylinders
  • Rod material


  • Produktblatt-platinode-hc-hard-chrome-plating-en-screen-20190410.pdf

Your contact person

Christian Kurrle

Christian Kurrle

Sales Manager Electrocatalytic Electrodes
T: +49 7171 607 167
F: +49 7171 607 396

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