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PALLUNA® 4700 Palladium Nickel Electrolyte

PALLUNA® 4700 Palladium Nickel Electrolyte

For hard and wear resistant coatings

PALLUNA® 4700 is a chloride-free, ammonia-reduced high-speed electrolyte for the deposition of a semi-bright to bright palladium-nickel alloy in reel-to-reel lines (selective dipping, jet plating, brush plating) and tabplaters.

Depending on the operating conditions, the electrolyte deposits alloy layers with approx. 80% of Pd. The alloy composition is largely independent of the current density.

The hard and wear-resistant layers are ductile, with low internal stresses and exhibit good corrosion resistance.

Electrolyte characteristics

Electrolyte type

Chloride-free ammoniacal

Metal content

20 g/l Pd, 15 g/l Ni

pH value


Operating temperature

40 °C

Current density range

up to 50 A/dm² in JetLab

Plating speed

up to 12 μm/min in JetLab

Anode material

Platinized titanium (e.g. PLATINODE®)

Coating characteristics


Palladium nickel


80 wt.% Pd, 20 wt.% Ni


Semi-bright to bright

Hardness of deposit

approx. 550 HV kp/mm² (5mN load)

Density of the coating

ca. 10,8 g/cm³


  • Chloride-free
  • pH and ammonia reduced
  • High deposition rate
  • Ductile coatings
  • Constant alloy composition


  • Industrial connectors (data and signal transmission)
  • IT connectors (e.g. USB-C)


  • Produktblatt_PALLUNA_4700_EN.pdf

Your contact person

Markus Legeler

Markus Legeler

Manager Sales International
T: +49 7171 607 204
F: +49 7171 607 316

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