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AURUNA® 530 Gold Cobalt Electrolyte

AURUNA® 530 Gold Cobalt Electrolyte

Electrolyte for abrasion-resistant, low-corrosion hard gold layers

AURUNA® 530 is a weakly acidic hard gold electrolyte with high current efficiency. Its essential property is its high resistance to abrasion and corrosion.

By choosing advantageous operating conditions (pH-value and temperature), printed circuit boards can be treated in a way which is particularly friendly to resists and lacquers, thus avoiding the lifting of masking materials.

With a gold content of at least 3 g/l, the desired high current efficiency can be reached even with sensitive resists. The plating speed is approx. 0.29 μm/min at 1 A/dm² and 35 °C.

Electrolyte characteristics

Electrolyte type

Weakly acidic

Metal content

4 (3 - 6) g/l Au

pH value

4.0 (4.0 - 4.4)

Operating temperature

35 °C

Current density range

0.8 A/dm²

Plating speed

0.1 - 0.5 μm/min

Anode material

Pt-Ti (type PLATINODE® Pt/Ti)

Coating characteristics



Alloy composition

99.7 wt.% Au, 0.3 wt.% Co

Colour of deposit





Approx. 170 HV

Density of the coating

Approx. 18 g/cm³


  • Weakly acidic hard gold electrolyte based on gold-cobalt with high current efficiency
  • Good compatibility with resists, like dry film and soldermask
  • Low contact resistance
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Good thickness distribution
  • Easy maintenance and high stability of the electrolyte
  • Low-pore layers with good corrosion resistance


  • Contacts on plug-in cards
  • Printed circuit boards


  • Produktblatt-auruna-530-en-screen-20190416.pdf

Your contact person

Markus Legeler

Markus Legeler

Manager Sales International
T: +49 7171 607 204
F: +49 7171 607 316

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