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AURUNA® 526 Barrel Gold-Plating Electrolyte

AURUNA® 526 Barrel Gold-Plating Electrolyte

Excellent Layer Thickness Distribution

AURUNA® 526 is a weakly acidic gold-cobalt electrolyte with very good throwing power and layer thickness distribution, especially on hollow parts.

This makes the electrolyte perfect for use of bulk material in barrel and vibration coating facilities. The interiors of cases or sockets often need to be gold-plated. The excellent throwing power therefore very positively influences the layer thickness distribution between the interior and exterior surfaces. This optimum distribution means gold can be saved.

The deposited layers have very good wear resistance, low contact resistance and impressive corrosion resistance.

Electrolyte characteristics

Electrolyte type

Weakly acid

Metal content

4 g/l (2 - 5 g/l)

pH value

4.4 (4.0 - 4.6)

Operating temperature

Room temperature (20 °C up to max. 30 °C)

Current density range

0.3 A/dm2 (0.3 - 1 A/dm²) barrel

Plating speed

approx. 50 mg (Amin)

Anode material

approx. 0.08 μm/min

Coating characteristics


Gold-cobalt (approx. 0.2 wt.% Co)


approx. 160 HV 0.01

Abrasion resistance

Very good

Contact resistance

approx. 2 mΩ


Type 1, Code C (equivalent to Type 1, Grade C in accordance with MIL-G-45204 C)


  • Save gold due to optimal coverage of hollow parts
  • Excellent throwing power
  • Long-term stability in permanent operation
  • Layers are classified in accordance with ASTM B-488-01: Type 1, Code C


  • Bulk and barrel parts
  • Pin, spring and plug contacts
  • Contact sockets


  • Produktblatt-auruna-526-en-screen-20190416.pdf

Your contact person

Markus Legeler

Markus Legeler

Manager Sales International
T: +49 7171 607 204
F: +49 7171 607 316

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