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Immediate protection for high-quality final finishes

Metal Deposition Solutions

Our high-quality protective coatings give your decorative and technical products specific protection and quality advantages without influencing the characteristics of the precious metal surface.

Overview of all protective layers highlights application area

The perfect protective layer for your product depends on many factors in addition to your expectations. In order to do justice to these factors such as product segment, raw material, electroplating process, etc., a single process according to the motto „one size fits all” cannot meet your quality expectations. With currently ten different protective coating processes, our product range has a suitable solution for your individual product requirements.

For quick identification of the right product in our wide range, we have compiled the Umicore protective coatings overview. Divided into Umicore Sealing (for technical products) and Umicore Antitarnish (for decorative products), all our electrolytes are compared - so you can find the right electrolyte within a few minutes.

Consulting and technical service right from the start

Of course, this overview does not replace our personal consultancy. We will be glad to answer more detailed questions personally. Benefit from our experience and contact us now.

Markus Legeler
Manager Sales International

Phone: +49 7171 607 204
Fax: +49 7171 607 316