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Award for our corporate social responsibility

Metal Deposition Solutions

We have always been aware of our social responsibility and a correspondingly sustainable approach at all levels is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy (Umicore Way). This is reflected in every new development, every decision and every action.

Our customers and partners increasingly appreciate this and now attach particular importance to our responsible actions. In order to confirm the trust placed in us and to uncover any weaknesses, we have been audited by EcoVadis for 10 years now. The independent rating agency EcoVadis specialises in the evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and analyses the Umicore Group in the areas of environment, working conditions and human rights, business ethics and sustainable procurement.

EcoVadis Gold Award - Sustainable and Social Corporate Responsibility - Umicore Metal Deposition Solutions - Score

In 2023, Umicore managed to keep its overall EcoVadis social responsibility score of 75/100 from 2022, even though the bar was raised in the individual areas. This means that we remain in the top 2% of companies assessed globally - despite 10% more companies being assessed by EcoVadis compared to the previous year.

This success was rewarded with an EcoVadis Gold Medal and inspires us to continue to push fair and ethical business practices, prioritise health and safety and minimise our impact on people, climate and the environment.

The sideways movement on the scorecard results from the increased requirements and demonstrates our commitment to improving in all areas.

EcoVadis Gold Award - Sustainable and Social Corporate Responsibility - Umicore Metal Deposition Solutions - Score Card

Do you have further questions about us and would like to learn more about our products and services? Or are you interested in our efforts to use exclusively conflict-free supply chains and thus also enable sustainable procurement for you? We would also be happy to go into detail with you on the topic of recycling (precious) metal-related materials in connection with our plating processes...

EcoVadis Gold Award - Sustainable and Social Corporate Responsibility - Umicore Metal Deposition Solutions - Contact

EcoVadis Gold Award - Sustainable and Social Corporate Responsibility - Umicore Metal Deposition Solutions - Contact Person
Contact person

Andrea Grau
Manager Sales Europe
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+49 7171 607 229 (Office)

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