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PLATINODE® HC is the often still unknown answer to the wishes of many hard chrome platers. Platinized titanium anodes are a sustainable way out of production with conventional lead anodes and thus out of an uncertain future. Avoid increasing regulation and at the same time use the chance to produce more economically and with higher quality.

Hazardous to water

Lead and also the waste materials produced in hard chrome plating, such as lead chromate, for example, are classified in Germany as "highly hazardous to water" - the highest possible categorization.

Procurement and disposal

The procurement of lead, but also the disposal of waste materials resulting from it, is increasingly regulated by authorities. The consequences are increasing effort and costly workflows for lead-processing electroplating companies. 

Lead anodes are required in large numbers for the deposition of high layer thicknesses in hard chrome plating. However, lead is now seen as the environmental toxin with the most devastating effects on the environment and humans. So lead anodes are cast in a very different light. So do waste materials such as lead chromate, which is classified by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) as carcinogenic and toxic to reproduction.

Authorities in the USA and Europe feel compelled to react. This is leading to increasing regulation of lead-processing companies worldwide. Time-consuming and cost-intensive hurdles already exist in the procurement of lead for further processing, for example in the USA through registration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

In addition to the threat to the environment, the risk to people in the area of occupational safety is also leading to ever stricter regulations, as can be seen from the example of the actions taken by the US authority OSHA. The long-term goal of all measures on a global level is to further displace lead from industrial use.

PLATINODE® HC is the way out

The high dimensional stability and load capacity of PLATINODE® HC as well as the possibility to adapt it to the complex shapes of the workpiece are only two arguments why hard chrome plating with PLATINODE® HC is of significantly higher quality compared to lead anodes. However, economic advantages also justify the use of PLATINODE®, which has already been successful for decades.

Now the health- and environment-friendly advantages of PLATINODE® HC also come into play. For example, it can be the basis for a completely lead-free process, eliminating the need for the time-consuming and costly regulation that is becoming increasingly common worldwide. Added to this are the advantages in terms of safety due to the reduction in maintenance intervals and the lower weight of the anodes.

Simplification of the overall process due to the ecological advantages

PLATINODE® HC not only forms the basis of a safer, more environmentally friendly and lead-free hard chrome plating process. Compared to lead anodes, it is also significantly more resource-efficient:

  • Multiple use through replatinization (recoating)
  • Economical use of platinum through refurbishment according to life cycle

In addition, further advantages can be derived from a switch to PLATINODE® HC:

  • No complicated and expensive procurement of lead and disposal of lead waste
  • Cost-intensive requirements for the protection of employees handling lead are eliminated
  • Requirements for a sustainable manufacturing chain can be met
  • More efficient workflow (reduction of maintenance and production downtime)

High-temperature electrolysis makes the qualitative difference 

Only PLATINODE® HC, with its globally unique high-temperature electrolysis, brings both ecological and maximum qualitative advantages. The 99.99% pure platinum layer enables a very uniform layer thickness distribution.

At the same time, high adhesion, corrosion resistance and ductility enable an above-average service life. This is already reflected positively in the cost/benefit calculation in the medium term.

After 3 years on average already more economical than lead anodes

We calculate that the investment in the introductory year is about 3 to 5 times higher than the annual costs for conventional lead anodes. After about three years, the investment has already been amortized.

The realistic calculation does not even take into account factors that are difficult to measure, such as a more efficient workflow, reduced production losses and the image gain. Nor does it take into account the costs and time spent due to official regulations.

Consulting and technical service right from the start

The exchange of lead anodes to PLATINODE® HC is usually possible 1:1 without great effort. Nevertheless, in the case of new introductions, our sales team is there to help you with its broad technical and background knowledge gained from over 30 years of experience.

For example, we offer all-round consulting in advance. We discuss with you the economic framework conditions for a transparent profitability calculation tailored to your needs. We also clarify specific details in your process in advance so that we can create an efficient anode design tailored to your needs. On this basis, you should be able to make an solid decision for or against PLATINODE® HC.

Of course, we will also be at your side at any time after a successful installation of the anodes - if desired, also on site worldwide.

Contact us now for a no-obligation and free-of-charge profitability calculation for your specific application.

Electrocatalytic Electrodes (Europe and International)

Christian Kurrle
Sales Electrocatalytic Electrodes
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+49 7171 607 167 (Office)
+49 157 8053 5100 (Mobile)


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