We consciously invest a lot in apprenticeship. Our apprentices expect modern premises, state-of-the-art equipment and, above all, one thing: time and support from experienced instructors.
The goal: to transfer our motivation and joy for our field to the apprentices. It helps that our in-house training programme quickly teaches the basics so that real projects can be successfully implemented in the shortest possible time.
We want to develop our apprentices, like our students, into truly sought-after professionals in the market. This means that we set high standards for our training and thus demand a high level of commitment.
We reward this commitment with various benefits that also go beyond the standard:
- Individual training plan and support
- Professional and personal development training courses
(performance-based English courses, various IT trainings, business etiquette, team-building units, etc.) - Travel allowance
- Free lunch in the in-house canteen
- Trainee and company excursions
- Representation of apprentice interests by JAV (Youth and Apprentice Representation)
- Very good social benefits
- Training allowance according to collective agreement

Chemical technician
Enjoyment of chemistry, physics, mathematics and also responsible work is a prerequisite.

Apprenticeship profile
- Production of high-quality precious metal solutions for the electroplating industry
- Measurement and control of production processes
- Process control technology and process engineering
- Environmentally conscious handling of chemicals
- Product control and quality assurance
- Production-related information technology
Duration of training
The standard duration is: 3.5 years.
(Shortening to 3 years is possible)
Vocational school
Kerschensteinerschule (Stuttgart-Feuerbach)

Chemical Production Specialist
Especially the natural sciences and mathematics should be fun. Manual dexterity is also an advantage.

Apprenticeship profile
- Production of high-quality precious metal solutions for the electroplating industry
- Control and documentation of production processes
- Process and plant engineering
- Environmentally conscious handling of chemicals
- Product control and quality assurance
Duration of training
The standard duration is: 2 years.
(Shortening to 1.5 years possible)
Vocational school
Kerschensteinerschule (Stuttgart-Feuerbach)

Surface Coating Technician
Here, too, fun with chemistry, physics and mathematics is required, as well as some manual dexterity.

Apprenticeship profile
- Knowledge of coating surfaces with metals, for example gilding by means of chemical processes
- Basic knowledge of metalworking
- Work and environmentally conscious handling of waste water, exhaust air, recyclable materials and chemicals
- Process control and quality assurance
Duration of training
The standard duration is: 3 years.
(Shortening to 2.5 years possible)
Vocational school
Fachschule für Galvano- und Leiterplattentechnik (Schwäbisch Gmünd)

Industrial Clerk
The subjects German, English and mathematics should be fun and there should be a natural sociability.

Apprenticeship profile
- Insight into many areas of the company: purchasing, materials management, marketing, sales, human resources and
Accounting - Direct contact with customers and suppliers
- State-of-the-art communication and organisational tools
- Communication skills and negotiation skills
Duration of training
The standard duration is: 3 years.
(Shortening to 2.5 years possible)
Vocational school
Kaufmännische Berufsschule (Schwäbisch Gmünd)

Study & Apprenticeship Dual
Industrial Clerk (m/f/d)
Can't decide whether to train or study? Both are possible!

Study and apprenticeship profile
The training concept "Study & Apprenticeship Dual" enables you to study for a Bachelor's degree parallel to your apprenticeship. In the last year of your apprenticeship, you will begin your part-time studies. This initially begins in a reduced form to enable you to prepare well for the completion of your training. Once you have completed your training, the number of lectures will increase.
Duration of training
The standard duration is: 4.5 years.
(or 9 semesters)
Vocational school / university
Kaufmännische Berufsschule (Schwäbisch Gmünd)
Hochschule Aalen

Contact & Application
Sounds interesting but you still have questions about the apprenticeship? Maybe a look at our answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) or our channels on Facebook or Instagram will help. Otherwise, Steffen Barth, our contact person for training, is looking forward to hearing from you.
If everything is clear, we look forward to receiving your application!

Steffen Barth
Manager Human Resources
Teams Chat starten
+49 7171 607 291 (Office)
+49 171 3054 094 (Mobile)

Either send documents:
Umicore Galvanotechnik GmbH
Klarenbergstrasse 53-79
73525 Schwaebisch Gmuend (Germany)
or by mail to:
or directly on our online platform.

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